Do you know what’s more stressful than being in debt and postponing filing for bankruptcy and getting free from it? Constantly going through incessant harassment from your creditors. They just don’t seem to want to stop now, don’t they? Yes, creditors will generally be like that, which is why it’s best to simply find a reputable debt collection lawyer in San Diego and allow them to help you get those pesky creditors off your back. You’re probably wondering how they do it.
How do lawyers help with creditor harassment?
Your lawyers are your biggest friend when fending off creditor harassment. After all, they have the knowledge and experience dealing with creditors. It’s their job. If anyone can help you put a stop to non-stop harassment efforts from your creditors, your lawyer can. Here’s how they do it:
Compose a cease-of-communication letter
The first thing your lawyer will probably do is write a professional letter to your debt collector which will tell them to stop making phone calls to you. The FDCPA prescribes that every debt collector has to stop all communication with you if you require it in writing. Failing to do so allows your lawyer to file a report to the FTC, or the Federal Trade Commission.
Document all attempts of harassment
Another excellent perk of hiring a legal professional is that they will comprehensively document every example of illegal behavior from your creditors. They might be able to swindle an inexperienced debtor, but they cannot go against experienced experts. You can also help your lawyer by taking note of all the harassment from your creditor, allowing them to create more complete documentation regarding illegal debt collector behavior.
File a comprehensive complaint
We’ve already mentioned that your lawyer will file a complaint with the FTC if the debt collectors keep harassing you in any way, shape, or form. Their complaint will likely include:
- The address and the name of the collector
- The name of your original creditor
- The times and dates of communication
- Witness names
- Other pertinent information, such as harassment log, conversation tapes, or written communication
Suing your debt collectors if they go overboard
Your lawyer can also choose to sue your debt collectors. However, know that your bankruptcy attorney will choose this option only in the cases with the most extreme harassment from the creditors. Not having a compelling enough lawsuit will only cause the court to decide against your case and get you to pay the attorney and court fees of the collector.
How does bankruptcy stop creditor harassment?
Besides debt collection lawyers, your best bet at finally stopping all creditor actions against you is to file bankruptcy. Realistically, this is always your best bet at not only stopping your collectors from going after you but also regaining your financial independence.
As soon as you file bankruptcy, federal law requires your collectors and creditors to stop contacting you. The automatic stay is immediate upon filing and nobody will continue contacting you in an effort to collect their debt. Couple this with all the other perks of bankruptcy, and there really is no reason to postpone making your decision.
Which debt collection lawyer in San Diego should I contact?
Promptly filing for bankruptcy and hiring the best lawyers you can find to help you through the process is the best thing you can do to avoid non-stop harassment from creditors. However, while hiring lawyers is highly advisable, you should also try to find out as much as you can about what constitutes creditor harassment and what debt collectors are and aren’t allowed to do to you.
From there, it’s all smooth sailing, especially if you hire the most reputable bankruptcy attorneys in San Diego – Bankruptcy Law Offices of Mark L. Miller. Our legal experts will employ all their knowledge and experience to ensure a successful bankruptcy that will get you back on your feet in no time. Why waste your time and energy dealing with creditors when you can leave it all to us while you enjoy the Cabrillo National Monument? Reach out to us today!